Fast and easy acces to worldwide information & intelligence on markets, competitors, products, technologies and innovation.
- Business intelligence-Safe-Guard Ltd.provides companies with a wide range of services including, but not restricted to, investment due diligence, fraud protection and recovery, risk analysis, etc.We have undertaken such work in countries across the globe.
- Specfied Information-Safe-Guard Ltd. provides companies with a wide range of services including, but not restricted to, investment due diligence, fraud protection and recovery, risk analysis, etc.We have undertaken such work in countries across the globe.
- Surveillance and Asset Tracing-Safe-Guard Ltd. Security’s team of asset tracers are specialists in this field and have worked in countless offshore financial centres to track and identify assets (and their ultimate owners) that our clients are seeking to recover through the courts.
- Security-Safe-Guard Ltd.has implemented and managed major security projects for large businesses and key sites, such as airports, manufacturing plants etc.Except in special circumstances, we do not offer a personal protection service for individuals or their domestic properties.
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